Tempesta di Vaia a year later
105 images Created 30 Sep 2019
Nord est dell’Italia. In una sola notte un vento denominato Tempesta di Vaia schianta, strappa, spezza, 8 milioni di metri cubi di legname. Un danno ambientale mai registrato in quella zona da porre rimedio il prima possibile. Ora nelle dolomiti orientali abbiamo un problema smaltire tutta questa massa di legname.
North East of Italy. In a single night a wind called Tempest of Vaia crashes, tears, breaks, 8 million cubic meters of timber. An environmental damage never recorded in that area to be remedied as soon as possible. Now in the eastern Dolomites we have a problem disposing of all this mass of wood.
North East of Italy. In a single night a wind called Tempest of Vaia crashes, tears, breaks, 8 million cubic meters of timber. An environmental damage never recorded in that area to be remedied as soon as possible. Now in the eastern Dolomites we have a problem disposing of all this mass of wood.